Delay in delivery of Winsome

March 1, 2018

This photo was missing in the last series of the previous blog.

Berthon/Simon Rogier reported today:
“With the weather being so cold, we are right on the lower limits for the glues and resins needed to finish your job.
Due to this problem, we are currently 10 days to 2 weeks behind the due date of Monday 5th March.”

As soon as we are sure the delay will effect our racing schedule, Boj will advise you and propose a new schedule. Still there is hope since Berthon needs one week to finish Winsome after the keel has been properly installed whereas the first race will only take place 31st of March.

‘Time and tide wait for no man’ and so it is with the weather.

On 25th of March is our Crew party. No delay foreseen.

Post by Harry Heijst | March 1, 2018 |