19-20 November. Cartagena-Port of Spain. Tenth leg 870 Nm, totalling 4.280 Nm.

November 21, 2018

Cartagena felt immediately very nice and it is hard to believe that in the years I regularly visited Venezuela, the neighbouring country Colombia was too dangerous to even consider visiting. That must have been now some 15 to 20 years ago. Now the situation is the opposite and we found it very pleasant to be here. Of course the presence of Silvio, once my Spanish teacher -now friend- made it more special.

He had kept his special character, started singing on the street whenever there was music so it was quite fun to be with him in Cartagena.

Let’s go to the Café Havana

Café Havana Cartagena with life music…

Dinner with Silvio

shots in (clean) old city of Cartagena

In lack of much to report, I will make now each Monday, starting 19th, a Pilatypus Journal, writing about events taken place in my resp. native countries:

Pilatypus Journal

17 Nov birthday of my mother, who died nearly two years ago, and would or should really have turned 96 now

17 Nov Laura Dillon received two prices at the RORC dinner in London

18 Nov As a result of a ‘cicatrice’ on my face, I cannot shave myself for the time being. I will let  you know how it growed in the next Journal. It looks it will be as white as my hair on top of my scalp

19 Nov I did receive another invoice for PIKSBORG, but did not dare to open it.

19 Nov Deborah McIrvine came out of hospital

19 Nov Douce (Sophie’s grand daughter) shopping in Tesco London

End of Pilatypus Journal

Our hotel Movich was very nice indeed, but as a result of noise outside our room it scored only 6 on our list, without the noise it would have scored at least 8.

Checkout at Hotel Movich, Cartagena

Sophie’s impressions of Cartagena here below:

We dropped Silvio at the commercial airport, but not after we promised to be back and visit the next time also Medellin, the 10 million tons El Peñon de Guatape rock and Bogota, which we did without hesitation.

Prior to our departure we had a Customs check in other words all our luggage had to be taken out of the a/c and passed through the scanners. A simple operation since not a single bag had to be opened.

3 hours needed to cross Venezuela from West to East. We flew in one straight line at 700 Nm North of the equator.

finally we found a hole in the clouds over Venezuela

just passing the border from Columbia to Venezuela. Photo made especially for Andres Sadde

descending towards Tobago

anywhere over cloudy Venezuela

arrival at airport Port of Spain, Trinidad Tobago

Post by Harry Heijst | November 21, 2018 |


  1. Was für ein glückliches Paar. Ihr Beide seht fantastisch aus, einfach zum Knutschen würde der Berliner sagen.

    by Berlin-Gaby | 22 Nov 2018 | 13:44
  2. Here is the one NOT for Sophie’s eyes. In the 183 years on this planet, I have never seen what I saw in the cathedral of Jerez de la Frontera and so certainly did not only not expect to see it but least of all where I saw it, which is directly behind the altar: a LOO!!
    And looking up why it is called so makes it even more incredible, but true!
    Iknow you are living many exciting moment during your voyage but lfe on earth can be quite exciting too as you see!
    Hav a safe onward journey!

    by Michiel | 26 Nov 2018 | 13:03