PIL025 to Buochs, CH

December 21, 2012

Our shortest flight on this trip Locarno to the Pilatus Factory in Buochs. 18 minutes in the air, thus even shorter than from Geluk to Windhoek or from Chitabe to Maun.

Shortest flight, shortest blog. Commander Urs made a good VFR flight and stayed free of clouds, well 99% of the trip.

departing LSZL LOCARNO

over the Alps

descending towards BUOCHS LSZC

descending via Engelbergertal

At the stop in Buochs where we were greeted by Professor Fabian himself, the lock was repaired and the ACMF was downloaded and emptied at the same time.

Meeting with Bettyna Aulepp. Lunch with Ignaz Gretener, Fred Mugli and Matthias Luder. They must have kept Fabienne Iten away from us on purpose. Sorry Fabienne.

at the Pilatus Factory

the cabin door lock is already repaired

Post by Harry Heijst | December 21, 2012 |