Season 2011

November 1, 2010

Dear all,

Pictures have been posted on the site of maintenance done on WINSOME. Every year again the list is endless, just as this season. Berthon has been doing a great job, looking forward to see the final results. WINSOME will not be coming to Holland this year at the start of the season as her refit is done in the UK this season. This will be a disapointment for all the Y-toren, Vuurschepen and North Sea Race die hards. However, a window of opportunity now opens up: now we can be out on the Solent looking for Easter eggs at the end of April!

Preliminary schedules for 2011 are being looked at and will be posted soon. Upcoming season there are two main events for the old lady: Cowes week (6-13 August) and the Fastnet Race (start Sunday 14th August). You can put these in your agenda’s!      

This is all for now, tomorrow Harry will embark on his trip to to Tasmania on Pilatypus. We all wish him a good trip and most important a very safe trip and return.

Bon Vents,


Post by Joost Heikens | November 1, 2010 |


  1. Hoi Joost,
    Ik ben een goede vriendin van Harry,kun je mij svp het wachtwoord geven van de Pilatus? Dan kan ik zijn reis volgen !Dank! am.borst@hetnet.nlGroeten,Mieke

    by Mieke | 02 Nov 2010 | 13:20
  2. Oh no, no visit to the East Coast of England for the North Sea Race! I don’t think I will volunteer to help out, the only reason I do is to see Winsome and her crew!!

    by Amanda Oliver | 02 Nov 2010 | 15:24