‘Open heart surgery’ nearly in ‘face lift’ stage…

July 20, 2011

Dear all,

WINSOME’s ‘open heart surgery’ is now in it’s final phase. It looks like our patient survived the operation. Please have a look al a photograph taken today.

dsc00032.JPG .

The grey paint is the primer. Little holes will be filled and then she is ready for a final paint job, or facelift as one could say. Friday the paint job will be completed, so WINSOME can be left to dry during the weekend.  As she has previously been launched while the anti-fouling wasn’t completely dry. That resulted in a not so smooth bottom (cellulitis?). This time, with a drying period of over two day’s, WINSOME’s bottom should be fine! Next Wednesday Harry and Leen, will travel to the UK to prepare her for the Channel race…. It all looks like we are on schedule for a successful second half of the season.

All the best, Boj

Post by Boj | July 20, 2011 |