Round the Island Race 2013

May 31, 2013

The annual J.P. Morgan Asset Management Round the Island Race, organised by the Island Sailing Club, is tomorrow. A one-day yacht race around the Isle of Wight, one of the highlights of the year. This year the race regularly attracts over 1,450 boats, making it one of the largest yacht races in the world. As every year, Winsome will talk part, we are looking forward to a beautiful day on the water. Harry feels reborn after his close encounter with the yacht last weekend, the crew will take extra care that he stays at his navigation post in the boat from leaving the pontoon until the lines are secured again. Peter Morton will drive Winsome tomorrow, we all look forward to welcoming him again on the old blue lady.

For those who want to follow us tomorrow:

Watch this blog for another update soon!



Post by Joost Heikens | May 31, 2013 |


  1. Guys,good luck tomorrow! Take care!


    by Mieke | 31 May 2013 | 19:16
  2. 6th,Next time better!

    Nice weekend,Mieke

    by Mieke | 01 Jun 2013 | 13:57