10 December. Twenty-fourth leg. Montreal-Goose Bay, Labrador. 714 Nm, totalling 14.082.

December 12, 2018

preparing the PC12 in the hangar of AV-Fuel FBS in Montreal

departing Montreal

departing Montreal

In hangar H-18 we met Pierre Gillard who made some photo’s of Pilatypus and placed them on his aviation blog:

A flight of only 02:54 but with much better visibility than on our flight in the other direction nearly a month ago. Then the flight took us 03:42 and we had no visibility at all.

This time would see the St Lawrence River, as well as the Saguenay River towards Pt Alfred (Alcan factory, lots of memories for me) very clear.

overhead Quebec

During this flight we encountered the coldest temperatures of minus 55 degrees Celcius or even more, but since the POH [Pilot Operating Handbook] states that the a/c is certified to temperatures of no less than 55 degrees Celcius, I leave it at this figure. We had taken sufficiently Prist in our fuel at Montreal QU.

Upon arrival in Goose Bay we realized to be again in the real winter.

heavy winter conditions at Goose Bay – Happy Valley!!

Sophie had made bookings at the same Hotel Royal Inn, but this time we had better rooms.

We found a new place to have dinner



Post by Harry Heijst | December 12, 2018 |

1 Comment

  1. Hallo Harry, was gab es in Goose Bay zu essen? Geflügel? Ich kann es nicht erkennen. Viel Rückenwind und weiterhin gute Reise? Wo wird Weihnachten gefeiert?

    by Berlin-Gaby | 14 Dec 2018 | 20:59