First group departed direction Brisbane
November 16, 2008
Today the 16th of November, Wout, Theun and René left Amsterdam direction Kuala Lumpur. Unfortunately Leen (Hoogmoed) could not make it, due to a heavy workload at his job with Holland Jachtbouw. After a stay of four days in Kuala Lumpur, they will continue their trip to Brisbane to meet Winsome and prepare her for the delivery trip to Sydney NSW.
As for myself, I will depart from Amsterdam via Hong Kong, to arrive at Brisbane on the 27th of November. All going well Winsome will arrive Sydney NSW on her own keel in the early days of December.
On the 14th of December Marjolein and Bobbbbbbie will arrive in Sydney NSW to further assist us in preparing Winsome for the Rolex Sydney Hobart Race. I hope we will be able to do some sailing as soon as the rest of the crew will arrive by Monday the 22nd of December in Sydney NSW.
Will be continued.
Post by Harry Heijst | November 16, 2008 |
Via de satellietontvangst hoop ik de race te kunnen volgen. Moet alleen nog uitplussen via welk kanaal.
In ieder geval aan allen een behouden vaart en veel succes toegewenst.
Verslag via RSS is ook welkom.
Een meelevende achterblijver.
Gerard Schaefers