4-5 December Scuba-diving on the reef outside Cairns
December 6, 2008
Well that was quite a day. Starting at 10am already going out 40 Nm to the reef at 22kn together with other tourist. Rene and myself went for the scuba-diving, Wout and Theun for the snorkling. Theun kept his shirt on whilst being in the water.
Photo’s will show that it was an amazing view of the most beautifull fishes. A scenere which I have myself seen sofar only on TV and once in Kota Kinabalu in East Malaysia (Northern part of Borneo).
Outside temperature around 35 degr C, watertemperature only 29 degr C.
In the meantime the paintingjob in Rivergate Marina Brisbane went on continuously and when we arrived at Winsome this morning 6th of December we had another amazing view, but this time a beautifully painted and antifouled boat called Winsome. Sofar she is only called Winsome on starboard, but we have a firm promise that she will be called Winsome on portside as well, prior to being launched. This will take place tomorrow Sunday 7th of Decemberat 8am.
Our plans are to put up the mast at 10am and try to finish all jobs on board until Monday noon and sail her out of Brisbane by Monday afternoon 8th of December with an arrival at Sydney NSW at or around the weekend of 13-14th of December matching the arrival of Majo and Robertino.
All going well Majo and Boj will complete their HF course in Southampton UK followed by an examination, failing which they may become eligible only for the Round the Island (Marken) Race in 2009.
Will be back. Today temperature is reaching only 30-32 degr C.
Post by Harry Heijst | December 6, 2008 |
Pass LRC exam x 2.