Arrival at Sydney NSW Sunday 21 December. Phase V

December 21, 2008

Yesterday Saturday 20 December we did not do anything on Winsome, just enjoying a very nice lunch with Robbie’s family at a Surfclub at Palm Beach. Thereafter Frank and myself needed a nap and we drank a bottle of Broken Wood Wine later in the evening to finish this day.

Today Sunday 21 December we left Pittwater Bay with a nice wind of say 10 knots and sunshine. In the morning we had to do only some smaller errands like redelivering the house and car we rented and picking up some pieces for Winsome.

At noon we left the Royal Prince Albert Yacht Club. Robbie, Marjolein, Frank, Arnoud -a friend of Robbie- and myself. At sea we managed to get the watermaker working, we checked Joost’s Daisy with the new furling gear, Marjolein talked to Sydney Coastal Radio, Robert made a call with the new HF radio with Adelaide and we listened to some weather forecasts. All was looking good and we arrived in good spirits at CYCA Sydney NSW, just after we observed the big bridge and the famous operahouse.

Peter and Herman of Pinta-M awaited us at our berth D13.

Now we are at our rented appartements at The Macleay Hotel awaiting later Reima, Francois, Joost and Pieter.

Tomorrow is our weighing day and then hopefull all will be done though the race office asked us already for the document for our qualifying race which we handed them a month ago already so it may not be all over as yet.

Anyhow we consider this phase V of the trip. I was Antwerp-Brisbane, II Brisbane repairs, III Brisbane-Pittwater, IV Pittwater

Theun and Wouter must have left today for Amsterdam.

Will be continued.

Post by Harry Heijst | December 21, 2008 |


  1. Best Harry en crew,
    Met veel belangstelling lees ik alle publicaties van jullie vorderingen. De uur van de waarheid nadert daarom wil
    ik jullie een fijne kerst wensen en veel succes voor de race.

    by alex bisi | 21 Dec 2008 | 15:59
  2. Hey Guys!

    Sleeping, drinking bottles of wine. Harry and Frank are preparing getting in a good mood for racing. Wish you all good luck and fun the coming week!! We will follow you instantly.

    by hendrik blenken blijdenstein | 21 Dec 2008 | 23:20
  3. Hallo Harry en crew!

    Veel succes in de race! Ik volg met veel belanstelling al het nieuws vanuit St Maarten en zal kijken of ik de webcast van de start kan volgen om 22:30 locale tijd de 25e, als het me lukt om los te breken van het feesten hier.
    PS Winsome heeft geen profiel op de organisatie website ;-(

    by Nicolaas Hoek | 23 Dec 2008 | 16:42