Cowes week 2009, day 4
August 4, 2009
A Committee Boat start today, which means not at the RYS.
Wind was blowing 15-25 knots so we were at a loss to either hoist Genoa I or Genoa II. After we plotted the outermarks of the startingline, in order to create a virtual startingline on the computerscreen (which after all appeared not to be of any help) we decided to hoist Genoa II.
This was not the best decision of the day since exactly on the first leg we lost ground to the other boats in spite of a very very good start. On the first down-wind leg we changed Genoa II for Genoa I.
In the middle of the race Boj pointed out to me that there was a loop in the course by having to round buoys 58-12 two times after each other. I was at a loss how I could have noted that wrongly so I checked the sms from Cowes Week which said indeed there was this loop. Headache! After half an hour the Principle Race Officer announced that there was made a computer error, i.e. no loop in the course, so they had no choice but to shorten the race at Peel Bank where Martin Stanley was waiting with this Running Bear with an S-flag. Headache disappeared!
Though we could not understand why the course was not changed in such a manner that we could have proceeded to the finish line after Peel Bank we had no opportunity to discuss this issue with the Principle Race Officer so we just obeyed the orders given and finished at Peel Bank. Much to our regret since we came much closer to our competitors in the last two legs. That’s life.
Boathandling today was perfect today. The wind was not exactly in our favour. Theun made some amazing tacks. We did become first or second, mainly because of our choice for Genoa II on the start/first leg, but third like days 1 and 2. Though we were satisfied with our result of today, we do realize that we need to score the last three days 1-1-1 in order to have a chance to become first.
Will be continued tomorrow.
Harry J. Heijst
Post by Harry Heijst | August 4, 2009 |
Hi Harry and crew!
Hope your having a good Cowes Week and enjoy the cocktail party tonight! Looking forward to seeing you in Plymouth, I am helping the RORC out at the finish!
Warm regards
Amanda, Murray and Andrew xx