First day Rolex Fastnet Race 2009 (I)

August 10, 2009

After we ended in Cowes Week not on the podium but just next to it i.e. plsce 4, we do not expect a better result in this race.

In spite of meticulous preparation and a good prestart tactic, a yacht touched us when we were nearly on the startline which forced us to makeĀ  a turn giving us a delay of 3 minutes at the start. Though we protested the other boat comimg from nowhere on port-tack we may not pursue this protest. We will decide at the finish. Meantime the protest flag is haning which is quite funny since it will fly for another 3-4 days.

Winsome came well out of the Needles and we certainly made some time good but soon the wind dropped, the fleet split in a pack going out to sea and in a pack going for the shore i.e. to Bill of Portland.

at this very moment we are West of Start Point but the sea is uncomfortable and I need a sleep so prefer to continue later.
Theun, Wiecher en Maas: opa doet zijn best maar we zullen dit keer denk ik niet winnen. Dag van Opa

Post by Harry Heijst | August 10, 2009 |

1 Comment

  1. Lieve Crew,

    What kind of motivation is that Harry!: I think we won’t win this time!!;-)When I woke up yesterday you were doing pretty good! Get that position back! Good luck & enjoy today! Liefs Joos

    by Josine | 11 Aug 2009 | 11:15