Rolex Fastnet Race Day 3
August 11, 2009
Since I have been writing we had difficult times. Not in our minds or spirits since they have been unbroken, but in negotiating the tides and the failing winds.
It appeared quite difficult to get through the passage between the Isles of Scilly and Landsend. Wind only 6-7 knots, tides nearly turning against our direction. We finally succeeded and passed Runnel Stone Light Buoy at 0630 local time.
Even from that moment it continued to be difficult for the heavy Winsome. Light airs all the time plus a damaged Genoa I which is surprisingly holding until now but we are very very carefull with her when tacking.
As per the RORC ranking calculations we ranked last night in our Class of 80 boats usually 14 to 16th place but today we appear to have fallen back to the 20th position. Moreover we are not really West of our rhumbline whereas the new wind is expected from the exactly the West. Therefore there is really no hope anymore for a good ranking in this race unless something extraordinary happens to the weather or a submarine would be so nice to two us to the Fastnet Rock (..). Dreams Harry!
We had a good lunch, tuna fish, coffee etc and we are enjoying now some sunshine and a somewhat better breeze than this morning of 10-11 knots. It finally gives us the feeling that we are sailing rather then drifting.
The distance to the Fastnet Rock is still 146nM. Our computer says that will still take us 36 hrs in these conditions. Sofar we have covered 237nM. The total distance of the race is calculated at 608nm. I reckon we will not reach Plymouth any earlier than Friday noon time.
Will continue reporting. Now it is Tuesday 14:45 British summer time.
ps the delphins did not show up until now.
Post by Harry Heijst | August 11, 2009 |
Keep it up, boys! Hopelijk hebben jullie voldoende van Sophia’s rantsoen om het tot vrijdag uit te houden. Groet, Pieter.