Day 8 in Sevenstar Round |Britain & Ireland Race 2010 will start 1300 UTC

August 30, 2010

Dear supporters,

We are getting close to the end of day 7 and the start of day 8. At that moment we will have covered about 1.065 Nm, passing very close to Saint Kilda at N57 50 W000 54.1 For the Tom Tom’ users: this point is just West of the Isle of Lewis on the West Coast of Scotland. I have visited the fishing village Stornoway some 25 years ago with my mother. This morning I called her to tell the news. She even remembered our trip with the drunken man on the ferry, so one can see how brains can still work at the age of 87. Therefore I believe there is still hope for all of us being younger.

The wind meantime dropped and we are frantically trying to stay of the eye of the High Pressure area hovering around us, basically from West to East.

Last night at 18:50 we passed Sula Sgeir N59 05 W006 10, but I am sure that this waypoint, cannot be found on any Tom Tom either.

This morning we dried all sail cloths, put fresh covers on the matrasses and cleaned the boat. In the meantime Richard did all kind of miracles with our waterpump and other devices which did not want to listen to our commands anymore.

I had to interrupt writing this message for a couple hours. In the meantime we rounded Saint Skilda at 13:15. We had to make a small tack to round this beautifull rock.

We are now heading for Black Rock which is about the position we (only Richard and myself are left on board from the Sevenstar Round Britain & Ireland Race 2006 crew) had to retire four years ago when our rudder installation failed after one of the bevel boxes broke down.

The distance to Black Rock is 233 Nm. Our ETA is Wednesday 1st of September at 3am.

We are seriously considering to start -right after finishing this race- in the RORC Cowes-Cherbourg Race, but it is now already very doubtfull if we would make the finish by Friday 3rd of September at 19:00 UTC. If the startline of this race would be the same as the finish line of SRBI Race then this would be very very easy (..).

The weather is nice, 12 knots of wind, seastate calm, not too cold, sun shining. Lunch is being prepared.

Best regards

ps at the end of day 7 we covered 1.070 Nm including 161 Nm of day 7 itself.

Post by Harry Heijst | August 30, 2010 |

1 Comment

  1. good luck with the last miles! go get the Beluga!

    by edgar | 30 Aug 2010 | 16:40