The continued story of two lonely cowboys in a small aircraft

November 10, 2010

Today, 10 November, we made a relatively short flight. Phuket-Medan 01:45 but again we had to get up early to avoid bad weather/driving in the dark from Medan to Langsa in Aceh.

La Christina awaited us at the airport with her known enthousiasm.



We flew through customs like they did not exist and shortly thereafter we were en route with the Queen of Aceh, called Christina.

Driving looked extreemely dangerous. This trip was much more dangerous than any of our flights. “Old soldiers never die” so we survived once again.


A small lunch along the route. Dutch newspapers and Financial Time were put on the table by The Queen, like she had lunch there every day.


We visited one of the four elementary schools The Queen and her co-Queen (Edith) built in Langsa. Tomorrow we will visit the remaining schools.

The vulcano Merapi, though still active, does not intend to block our flight to Bali Friday 12 November, at least so it looks today. If Merapi however is angry about the visit of President Obama he may burst out still. We have made a plan B already and that would be to stay more to the North and make a fuel stop at Balikpapan.

It is really very interesting to see the real life in Aceh and similarly to India we are surprised how extreemely friendly and easy going everyone we meet here is.

Tomorrow another day. No flight but again a dangerous trip by car back to Medan.

Will be continued.













Post by Harry Heijst | November 10, 2010 |


  1. Dear Harry and flight crew,

    The trip is looking good, another ‘experience of a life time!’ I am quite jealous of the female attention you received in the far east! Hope the Cascades taste great when you set foot on Tasmanian ground!

    Hidde K

    by Hidde K | 10 Nov 2010 | 23:20
  2. Hi there,

    It’s such a great pleasure reading all your stories (esp. your visit to Medan – Aceh with Queen La Christina), OMG…I can’t stop laughing!!! I hope you could survive among the queen and her co!? Good luck with your next trip to Bali or (Balikpapan). Take care and keep posting!

    Gr, Sari

    by Sari | 12 Nov 2010 | 11:43