Pilatypus’ tracker back to life

November 14, 2010

Today we made a succesfull flight from Bali to Darwin. Tracker has been registering our flight again.

We have new passengers on board. Sophie, Britt and Lars.



It was really hard to leave Bali. We should have stayed in Bali for at least one more week! Never have experienced anything like this, especially the Balinese people.

In Darwin we had an unpleasant surprise. We did not complete a form for temporary importation of the a/c.

Thanks to Bettina’s “perfume”  we could right away leave the aircraft upon arrival. Good choice Bettina!

Tomorrow we will present ourselves to the importation office and see what happens. We got an offer of support already from a source which we cannot disclose.

Will be continued.





Post by Harry Heijst | November 14, 2010 |


  1. Although the pictures and stories only give a slight impression of how amazing this journey must be, I can imagine it being breathtaking! All the best! Cheers!

    by Joost Nijhoff | 14 Nov 2010 | 20:26
  2. hi there, what an experience for you all, especially our two kids Britta & Lars… wow a dream, a chance of a lifetime AMAZING. Thanks for letting them live a dream. You guys are soooo generous. THANKS Hugs from Mum (Kerri) thanks Urs

    by Kerri Frischknecht | 15 Nov 2010 | 12:13
  3. Even though I don’t know you, thanks to Harry too. You are amazingly generous. Thanks again

    by Kerri Frischknecht | 15 Nov 2010 | 12:15