
November 16, 2010

Another flight today. Only four hours from Ayers Rock to Sydney, thanks to favourable winds.

We are happy to have left the Ayers Rock’ people behind us. No fun at all.

We made one 360 over Ayers Rock and thereafter really started our flight.



Britta and Lars left us today. Marjolein will join us 18 Nov to Hobart.


Will be continued.

Post by Harry Heijst | November 16, 2010 |


  1. Dear Harry,Sophie and Urs..thanks so much for an amazing time and your generousity..!!there are no words to express how appreciative and thankful we are for everything!have a safe and great further journey filled with sunshine, health, unforgettable experiances,nice people and of course smooth check ins and outs of the coming countys:)
    much love
    xoxo Britt(and Lars)

    by Britt | 17 Nov 2010 | 12:01
  2. Het ziet er geweldig uit….!

    by Nicole | 17 Nov 2010 | 15:41