Sydney NSW

November 17, 2010

We spent this day, the birthday of mother turning 88, by doing nothing.Well that is to say that Urs and myself had to go to Pilatypus to update the Data Base. It did not go smooth at all this time, so it took us more than three hours to finish the job. We are now ok again for the next 14 days.

It was very nice to see Marjolein and Robert.

We spent some time at CYCA and met several people whom we got to know in December 2008 when preparing Winsome for the Sydney-Hobart Race.

Next flight will be to Hobart, Tasmania.

Will be continued.

Data base upload WINREY Aviation Bankstown Airport Sydney NSW


Before the race starts for Dough Sturrock



Harry and Alex Whitworth




View from the Opera


Post by Harry Heijst | November 17, 2010 |

1 Comment

  1. Hoi, Harry hier ben ik er weer. Van harte gefeliciteerd met je moeder. All looking good. Je bent al in Tasmania half way through. Niet te geloven. Groet. Alex

    by Alex Bisi | 18 Nov 2010 | 21:21