Departure Sydney NSW; arrival Hobart, Tasmania

November 18, 2010

Martin and his group of Winrye Aviation gave us a well meant “good bye” after having pushed Pilatypus on the tarmac.


Marjolein boarded on her first across Bass Street trip in the air. Our Sydney-Hobart Race took place December 2008 so not even two years ago.



A flight of just 2,5 hours which means that we broke Wild Oats’ record easily.




Then in Hobart we had a very very warm welcome. It started with a Dutch flag on the taxiway. It later appeared to have been delivered by the Dutch Honorary Consul, Georg Huizing.



Rotor Craft’s handling was like entering a chique hotel. We wish to thank them again.

Once we completed preparation of Pilatypus we received a VIP welcome by Peter & Coby Dobromilsky, by George Huizinga and his lovely wife and by a Dutchman who just happened to be with Georg.

At the Somerset hotel, next to the marina, we were given only 15 minutes to change. Peter & Coby had two cars ready for us fully laden with food for the Possums, Wallabies and Kangeroos lined up for us at a National Park at one hour driving distance. For us plenty of barbecue food and drinks were o/b as well.






A nice walk brought us back to Peter, who prepared an open fire and a barbecue.

For this walk we used jackets/shoots from our survival gear o/b.

Having returned to our hotel at say 11pm we felt very content but extreemely tired. I must have slept that evening in my survival jacket and shoes since I have no recollection of taking any cloths off.

Peter & Coby once again: it was superb though very close to our limits.

We asked for a break until 1200 next day, but were admitted only to 1100 in connection with another programm for the next day.

Our epic story will be continued soon.

Post by Harry Heijst | November 18, 2010 |