Memories of Hobart Race 2008

November 19, 2010

At 1100 sharp Peter & Coby picked us and drove to “my Sailing Club” The Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania”. There Allan waited with his 20 knot Catamaran Motorcruiser. Alan appeared to be an excellent Skipper having built the boat himself. Also Bruce, our very first contact ever in Hobart, joined us on this trip.



Not until we were interviewed by Peter Campbell for an article in the local newspaper, we took off at high speed over the Derwent River to the Iron Pot. From there to Cape Raoul, then via Storm Bay heading for Tasman Island. There we did some fishing at one of the 266 fishing waypoints Allan had stored in his Furuno and in another screen/nav data instrument.

From there we proceeded to the point where we left the Norfolk Bay (on our way back from Hobart to Beauty Point) and we returned again to The Iron Pot to end at the start if a RYCT race starting at Battery Place round Maria Island.

All my good memories of this race, especially the last four difficult hours came back.

We finished with a dinner at RYCT and we admired Peter & Coby’s new sailboat. After that visit we decided to call Coby “lucky Coby”

End of a very nice visit.

Urs and Harry in front of Iron Pot


map of Iron Rock


Tasman Island from the North


Organ Pipes


Post by Harry Heijst | November 19, 2010 |


  1. You made it! Wat een geweldige tocht, jezelf zo over de wereld vliegen naar Australie: klopt trouwens als een bus, het meest bureaucratische land ter wereld, Indy disagrees!

    Hidde K

    by Hidde K | 21 Nov 2010 | 14:19
  2. It was a pleasure Harry and crew.
    Regards Perk.

    by alan perkins | 22 Nov 2010 | 11:50