Visiting Angkor Wat

December 1, 2010

Our visit at Angkor Wat, at Angkor Thom and at Ta Prohm; all from Mid 12th and early 13th Century

Our free day gave us the opportunity to visit three famous temples. We now realize why they are so famous.

The last photo’s taken at Ta Prohm show the temple which was found
completely overrun by the wilderness when it was discovered.

Though we felt like Japanese tourists, it remained quite interesting to
have made this visit. No long sleep today either, since the best for such a visit is in the morning when the temperatures are still in the 20 degrees range. Later in the day they increase to the 40 degrees range.

Tomorrow to Chang Mai, Thailand.

Let’s start our tour…


Angkor Wat


…which way to the nex temple??


Urs with his new friends


just impressive…


nice, small tree


Archaeological scientist Harry J.Heijst


Post by Harry Heijst | December 1, 2010 |


  1. Now I’ve seen you in that hat I shall call you Dr. Jones!

    by AngelaLamont | 02 Dec 2010 | 11:46
  2. Well done Harry really nice photos.

    by mifsud | 04 Dec 2010 | 12:32