A day over the desert, sand, sand, sand and sand…

December 8, 2010

Today was the 2nd day in a row of two flights in one day. The two lonely cowboys are getting somewhat tired, but are still in one piece and spirits are high. We are proud having covered by now over 26.500 Nm of which many many Miles were just over the ocean. Well we had two liferafts on board but honestly we are happy never even having had to consider of using them. Winsome is a better place to stay on the water reallly than a liferaft. The Pilatypus and her Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-67P engine, flat-rated at 1,200 SHP, are of such superb quality that we never ever had any doubt or fear about this trip. We know others had (..) but that we consider as their problem.

The first day of two flights on a day was from Dehradun to Muscat, via Achmedabad. On this one we had to make a fuel stop in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Now we have a day of rest in Sharm El Sheik. Not a very attractive place I must say but the goal was to meet here my old friend Mr Milad Abou Said with whom we are now having breakfast.

We are now coming very close to the end of this trip. Tomorrow a flight to Heraklion on Crete, thereafter directly to Locarno in Tessin.

Will be continued.

ready for departure at Muscat


leaving Oman


over Abu Dabi


for hours only desert


descending towards Riyadh


between Riyadh and Sharm el Sheikh


descending towards Sharm el Sheikh


Stand Nr. 20 at Sharm el Sheikh


Post by Harry Heijst | December 8, 2010 |


  1. Hello Harry!
    Following your journey closely. How’s the desert lands?
    Just finished my recurrent training at flight safety in Farnbourogh.

    I’m leaving for saudi on the new years….


    by Espen | 08 Dec 2010 | 16:08
  2. Wij hopen wel dat jullie in Cairo tenminste EEN piramide en wat cultuur hebben kunnen opsnuiven na alle landingsbanen, het water en al het zand.
    Anders in Adam maar naar een goed museum.
    Veilige retour vlucht.

    by tiburon | 09 Dec 2010 | 10:59
  3. Lieve Harry,
    Ademloos heb ik jullie gevolgd op deze weergaloze, avontuurlijke wereldreis. Een tikje jaloers soms. Wat kan een mens veel landen bezoeken in een betrekkelijke korte tijd. Anderen doen daar vele jaren over.Nog een uilenvluchtje en jullie zijn weer thuis.

    by weltur@hetnet.nl | 09 Dec 2010 | 11:38
  4. Hallo Harry, jammer dat de reis komt tot zijn eind. Ik zal missen de dagelijkse kijk naar de winsome site met de nieuwe bericht. Goede vlucht terug. `Groet. Alex

    by Alex Bisi | 09 Dec 2010 | 15:05