Flight from Sharm el Sheikh – Iraklion

December 9, 2010

Meeting Mr Milad Abousaif in Sharm El Sheik

The first I visited Egypt must have been some 9 years ago. It was in Alexandria, end December, with Ruurd Rodenhuis in connection with the discharge of mv LOOTSGRACHT.

On our way to Cairo we landed in Heraklion and had to return to Pilatus factory. Mr Milad cancelled his trip to Cairo but was so kind to come and see us in Sharm El Sheik. Because of the hungry sharks we did not swim in the sea.

It was very nice to see my old friend, probably Spliethoff’s Agent for as long as I can remember. It must have been more than 45 years ago by now.

Tomorrow will be the final leg Heraklion-Locarno. We expect 50 knots headwinds as a result of a 120 knots Jetstream at FL320 carrying polar air. This final trip may take as long as 5 hours.

Big boys do not cry, remember?

Will be continued.

Milad und Harry


preparing our departure from Sharm el Sheikh


bye bye Sharm…


over Alexandria – leaving Egypt…


again in Iraklion…


Post by Harry Heijst | December 9, 2010 |

1 Comment

  1. Hey Harry!
    I just read some of your posts… Wonderful pics and wonderful aircraft!
    Get home well, see you here in Stans soon!
    Rima, Training Cenre

    by Rima | 10 Dec 2010 | 10:21