2nd flight from Spain to Spain

November 10, 2011

The flight of 1.280 Nm took us nearly 5,5 hours. Nice weather, blue skies, 20-25 knots of headwind. Rather tired upon arrival in Las Palmas. I had moreover problems with an Ischias, but veterinarian help was nearby.

Nr 1 flight out of Mallorca


leaving Mallorca


crossing Spain via Sevilla


final 03L at Las Palmas


Harry is mixing PRIST to the JET A1


Dinner with Caridad Cuyas, charming as always.


Tomorrow 1.100 Nm to Praia, Cabo Verde. Cannot give any problem with our superb aircraft/engine.

Will be continued!

Post by Harry Heijst | November 10, 2011 |

1 Comment

  1. Lucky you Herry!
    I’d like to get one of your trip on PC-12, the best one.
    Unfortunatly I’m flying on A320 at the moment no spare time, but I’m flying a PC-12
    me too out of Milano. Greet to Urs a big friend of mine. I’m following you on the track Pilatypus.

    by Gianni | 12 Nov 2011 | 17:24