Flight MAG008 Iguazu to Buenos Aires

November 20, 2011

Harry, Sophie, Alex, Magi


incredible mass of water…


Urs….enjoying the rain…


After a flight of approximately 3,5 hours we were awaited by Johnny Bisi, Alex’ brother, who helped us quickly organizing matters at the airport San Fernando and nearly immediately delivered us shorepower so that we could update the Honewell Apex-INDS/Jeppesen navigation system. It all took no more than 2 hours during which time the ladies were shopping already in the city.

Buenos Aires is a lovely city, sometimes looking like Paris with the same
atmosphere. We could not avoid seeing also some slums of the very poor, not looking any better than the slums I know from Caracas, Venezuela. All in all the city is looking very good and one feels right away at home.

For the first evening Alex, later called Alexito by me, organised a tango
dance dinner. A good start really.

The next days we might a sight seeing tour in the city where we met some Dutch people who regulary come to BA in order to learn to dance a Tango better.

At the end of the day went to the sailingclub of Alex and Juan/Johnny.
Dinner, back to the hotel to get sufficient rest for our flight tomorrow.
In the afternoon it started raining with some lightning so we are crossing fingers for tomorrow.

Theun, Wiecher, Maas en Hidde: ik heb meteen maar voetbalhemden van het Argentijnse voetbal team gekocht voor jullie. Jullie zijn nu al dichtbij een eigen elftal nietwaar?

…bye bye Iguazu


supervising the pilots…


Post by Harry Heijst | November 20, 2011 |