Add the elevation of Sankt Moritz to the one of Zermatt and you are at the elevation of Cuzco, Peru

December 1, 2011

our A/C has to be towed in front of the Hangar to plug in the GPU


An exciting five hours flight, all along the coast of Chili. No one is living there and the pilots discussed various options of bringing civilization to these areas. We did not find an option which would not be contested by others, not even within the crew on board only.

Landing at an airfield of 10.860′ was even for Urs a special moment. The next interesting moment will come in three days when we will try to get the a/c from the runway.

a short inflight break to study the tourist program of the next destination


Tomorrow our tour to Machu Picchu at 2.430 metres will start, but even so we will first have to descent nearly 3.000′. Do you still understand it?

Will be continued.

inbound to CUZCO


on short final 28 at SPZO


PH-PNG at Cuzco, field elevation 10’860 ft


Post by Harry Heijst | December 1, 2011 |


  1. The plane looks great at the Cuzco ramp

    by Deeter2 | 04 Dec 2011 | 02:28
  2. Dear Harry,
    I just saw the pictures from the air. It’s unbelievable…
    In Czech is now 2 degrees bellow, strong wind and unpleasant cold…
    Lots of luck on the other side of the world. BR Tomas

    by Tomas Vlk | 05 Dec 2011 | 22:18
  3. On the second picture I can see one grande Capo tutti di capi 🙂 with his phone.

    by Tomas Vlk | 05 Dec 2011 | 22:21