Second jump over the Atlantic

December 12, 2011

bye bye Natal…


One month after we made our first Atlantic crossing, Praia-Natal, we made our return crossing Natal-Praia. The first time, Praia-Natal, we had to fight 8 knots of headwind and the rotating of the earth from East to West. This time we had two advantages i.e. 5 knots of tailwind and a positive rotating of the earth i.e. against us. We had no time yet to calculate the advantage of the latter. It will have to be done under the Christmas tree [unter dem Tannenbaum]. The advantage of the wind was calculated quickly: 8+5=13 knots or about 18 minutes.

only water…


crossing the equator at W032…


a long flight over water from Natal to Praia


avoiding weather…

finally at Praia


Today we did not do anything, just visiting the plateau in Praia. Drinking some coffees and having a swim.

We are ready for our next flight to El Aíun, Moroc, tomorrow. Until here we logged 15K Nm on this trip.

Will be continued.

Cyber Café in Praia Cabo Verde


Post by Harry Heijst | December 12, 2011 |


  1. Helooooooo!!!!!!
    It’s very very nice to know where you are…Congratulations ny the nice weather found ahead.
    Send more pictures and wish yours a good rest and enjoy.
    Expedito Menezes

    by Expedito | 12 Dec 2011 | 22:27
  2. Sophie, bytheway no any comments in regarding ROBERTO CARLOS or MARIA BETHANIA???
    Expedito – Belem / Brazil

    by Expedito | 12 Dec 2011 | 22:30
  3. Hi, Harry and crew. Great crossing over the big water a little boring but I know what goes through your mind while on FL300 and you have blue under you for the next thousand miles. Now the last two runs and everybody is home. Fabulous reporting many people followed and enjoyed. Till NL. Groet. Alex

    by Alex Bisi | 13 Dec 2011 | 23:19
  4. Hi Harry,
    congratulation for succesful crossing the ocean. But I can’t see you in the hi tech internet Café… was’t you on the other side of the hedge 🙂
    Lot of luck Tomas

    by Tomas Vlk | 15 Dec 2011 | 15:07