Change from sailing on the water to sailing in the air

November 20, 2012

Today Urs Frischknecht and myself started our 3rd long trip in three years.

Under the heading news of this webpage [red arrow on the left] you will find our daily stories plus photographs. At the right side under the heading Pilatypus tracking [red arrow on the right] you can find our route registered by a simple tracking system on board. Use the green route. Do not panic -right away- if the tracker has stopped to work. We simply may have run out of batteries.



Wish us luck, we may need some.

Today we arrived in Heraklion, Greece. It was not an easy trip but my blog, with photo’s made by Urs, will follow tomorrow morning. We hope our blog and photographs will become better each day.


Post by Harry Heijst | November 20, 2012 |