No-Fly-Zone over Cairo. A day of pure tourism

November 23, 2012

For us it was today like a No-Fly-Zone over Cairo. Anyhow regardless of the reason we did not fly. We said good bye to Mr Milad Abousaif who was taking the train for Alexandria to prepare for the discharge of a big hull or boat (a Swan perhaps) at Alexandria for Sevenstar. Costa would attend the discharge so I forewarned him for his muscles.

Milad and Harry

Cairo at night

We went on our way for a real tourist excursion, organized and paid for by our generous host.

Our guide was a woman with high speed, with a lot of knowledge and wisdom. She warned for all thieves and tricks around the places we were going to visit.

We were starting at the Egyptian Museum and had to go through it at high speed because of it’s enormous wealth of Egyptian artifacts. She threw many names of Kings and dynasties at us: Isis, Amenemhet III, Nefertite, Cheops, Khufu, Abusir, Neferhetepes, Tutankhamun, Hor-Aha, Ramses, Mentuhotep etc etc. Kings who married their daughters and what have you. Of course we pretended to remember all those names and family relations instantly and we trust that you, who is reading this, will forgive us this small cheating. It was very entertaining and interesting, though we had to go at high speed in order not to loose track of her. Loosing her was a serious concern since she is not very tall. Anyhow we managed.

Museum Cairo

Then to the pyramides. She wanted to leave the Museum area as soon as possible which we understood once we heard some shooting around us.





Thereafter to the Great Sphinx after we respectfully declined an invitation to ride a camel. I knew them from an experience in Dubai, Urs from another experience in the Middle East as well.


Iman and Harry


Then back to the Conrad Hotel, content but tired.

Tomorrow we will proceed to Aswan, a flight of nearly two hours, all going well.

Will be continued

Post by Harry Heijst | November 23, 2012 |