Desert flight Cairo-Aswan
November 24, 2012
This morning the roads in Cairo were quiet. The night however was turbulent. I got awake several times. People in Cairo are very unhappy with the new government. The city in which live more people than in the Netherlands is a boiling kettle. Not any building is finished, the streets are very dirty. In one word a big mess. Neverthless we did meet some nice people.
When we arrived at the international airport, we met the-best-of-the-best-handling-agent by the name of Osama. We met him already in 2010 in Sharm El Sheik. Again he was in top shape. We will however have to wait until the end of this trip, to judge if he deserves the Gold Medal again.
Our flight was uneventfull. An easy flightplan to the South flying over Luxor. We have seen a lot of sand, sand and sand. No turbulance, altitude 25.000′ (for pilots FL250). The only problem was that we had no coffee on board. I forgot to take the coffee container out of the aircraft to have it filled in the Conrad Hotel. Today I took the tea container (..) so basically the same result.
Smooth landing, good handling, a one hour trip by taxi and boat to our Hotel. Funny enough a Swiss Hotel: Mövenpick. A lazy afternoon, some swimming, sleeping and reading our E mails. And for Theun: repeating “gramatica les 6 van Disco 1”.
Tomorrow we will depart by boat at 08:00 to be at the airport no later than by 09:00 in order to take off at 10:00 sharp for Jeddah. We understand we will have first to fly North to Luxor and pick up the logical route to Jeddah from there, as a result of restricted airways.
Will be continued
on the way to our hotel in Aswan
Post by Harry Heijst | November 24, 2012 |