Flight PIL023 to Malta

December 16, 2012


Timely start from the hotel. Swissport was late. Again lowest handling cost, but on the other hand most expensive fuel price of our entire trip.

Easy departure. Headwind 30 knots. Nice weather. VNAV ILS RWY 27, like I do this every day. No flaps, speed 10 knots over AOA. It all went very well.

leaving Iraklion Intl via OTREX3C SID

snow at Creta

our flightplan from Creta to Malta

established on ILS 31 at LMML

Malta – LMML

Hubert Mifsud picked us up at the airport for a brunch at his home. Thereafter we got permission for a nap in the hotel, prior to returning to his house. We met the last group of Ambassadors leaving his home to go to Church. Then we met Katja with her new fiancé called Stefan, not being her brother as I believed initially. As always Mariana was a perfect host!

Will be continued.

Mariana’s nativity

a very nice invitation in the beautiful house of Hubert and Marianne

Malta by night

Post by Harry Heijst | December 16, 2012 |