Turning the clock one day back

June 25, 2013

Howard Rockwin came with Rodney Tibbetts to KEWB [New Bedford MA airport] in order to make a series of photographs of our arrival at KEWB, where are my roots with flying.

Howard started to take pictures of the immaculate approach and landing, with a crosswind of upto 30 knots. Runway 32 was active, with runways 05-23 under construction.

We arrived at NorEast Aviation

Rodney having arrived in his Duck-taped aircraft from KISP [Islip, Long Island, NY] greeting us in a very warm manner, looking extremely happy.

Howard Rockwin took further photograps in the cockpit

Howard can be reached at


for anyone in USA who likes to have made similar nice photographs of his or her (Jan our G4 perhaps?) aircraft.

Will be continued with our stay in Montreal QU June 23-24 and our departure to Goose Bay NF June 25.

Post by Harry Heijst | June 25, 2013 |


  1. ……..two comments: the test two days ago, was it to check whether your readerhip really reads the progress report, sending the same report two days in a row?
    Harry, do some bodybuilding in Montreal so you have room for more stripes on your shoulders, is my advice……………
    Sophie still with you I see!
    Wish both of you a relaxed and safe onward journey! Michiel

    by michiel irish' stephenson | 26 Jun 2013 | 06:56
  2. …………..alright, one extra comment today:
    sure is a nice approach!!!!
    Well done! Next time we meet I will tell you the story your colleague Prins Bernhard told me on the Ivory Coast one day: about His approach.
    Once again, safe journey! m

    by michiel irish' stephenson | 26 Jun 2013 | 07:01
  3. Seems a great trip so far. Have really enjoyed the reports. Pity some of the worst bureaucracy you have met was in the ‘land of the free’. Keep up the good work, see you in Cowes!

    by ajmcirv | 26 Jun 2013 | 12:18