
June 26, 2013

Sunday June 23 we left for Montreal QU.

I started my newly acquired hobby and that was to hand-fly the a/c at least until reaching our cruise level of 27.000′ [for pilots FL270]. Progress is still made.

The flight was short, but ended extremely difficult. The area around Montreal was full with CB’s so we had to perform a Riesenslalom to stay out of the dangerous CB cells. Urs’ experience appeared to be sufficient to do this. We were again well treated by Signature. Moreover Sophie called the Signature office in St Paul Minneapolis and could track down my USA mobile phone.

In Montreal John Sveistrup organized a dinner with Jim Levoguer, who has been partially guilty for my late developped flying hobby. This time was accompanied by the charming Danielle. Since they married only earlier this year I could not possibly know her. Congratulations Jim and Danielle with each other. Also Leon van Amerongen of Spliethoff joined us. He was on a job for Transport Nanuk to deliver a vessel to them. Does Transport Nanuk  really want to buy all our ships at the end of the year and conquer the entire Canadian Arctic?

Thereafter John was so kind to drive us around resp. up to Mount Royal to see the Jean Baptiste festivities incl some of the fireworks.

The next day, Monday June 24, we walked in Montreal looking for a good coffee but most places were closed.

At lunchtime we visited Suzanne Paquin where we did meet three of her childern i.e. 60% only, plus Peter Rose. No mention of any marriage, but we could feel their relation is serious.

mental flight preparation for the next day?


Tuesday June 25

A new passenger, though without vald ticket i.e. unpaid, presented himself. He bought the other day three new white shirts, one black trousers and one pair of black shoes. I forgot to tell him that he would be travelling as passenger and not as crew.

He behaved and acted for one hour as co-pilot. No complaints either side. Unfortunately the weather was not good, so practically no visibility. We hardly could see anything of the beauty of the St Lawrence and it’s surroundings.

Goose Bay had a friendly temperature, though colder than Montreal where the temperature was already lower than in New Bedford.

Will be continued tomorrow with Goose Bay’s night life, which I enjoyed already with Markus Bhend in 2008.

Post by Harry Heijst | June 26, 2013 |

1 Comment

  1. …..listen Harry, this sailor´s behaviour and attitude and practice of having a Sophie in every port, which as a sailor of course you are used to, is not the custom for pilots, the guys “up there”, a different brand all together.
    So pick your choice, decide!!!
    Sophie here, Sophie there, Sophie everywhere???!!!
    After this unique adventure, start thinking about “ter zee en in de lucht” TE LAND”, and join me on this fabulous motorcycle HD trip to Ushuaia, the southern
    most town on the world map reachable by road!!!!
    Wish all crew AND passengers a most enjoyable and safe onward journey! Michiel

    by michiel irish' stephenson | 26 Jun 2013 | 21:14