La récolte

August 8, 2013

Day 6 started with a delay. AP over AP. Wind of only 3-4 knots. We used these hours of delay to do some checks on Rolex Fastnet Race preparations. Two hours later we were ordered to the Committee Boat for our start

No hesitation on Laura’s part. She made an excellent start which brought us right away in the front of our Class. Raging Bee was behind us and that felt ok.

Right after the first mark “Wight Vodka” we hoisted spinnaker I, which stayed up at at the next two marks on which we made two gybes. We could not prevent some boats passing us in favourable winds for lighter boats. The next two marks were on a beat where we did not loose anything on the other boats.

All lessons from previous races were taken well into account. Not any mistake was made.
The finish at the Shrape Finish appeared in much more Southerly position, but Boj got the finish visually and said he was sure we headed to the Finish Line. At that time Zarafa, Xcitable and Alaris were safely behind us.

Much to our regret we had no gun this day either, so we must have been boat #6 on the water. On rating we scored a 2nd place, bringing us in 2nd position overall for the week.

Tomorrow, the last racing day, all boats can expect a discard [they may then deduct their worst score of the week.]. If we calculate the discards now already Winsome is showing in 4th position. If there will be no racing tomorrow (only if there is not sufficient wind to race) we will be 2nd, but if we race, we can be -realistically speaking- be 2nd, 3rd, 4th or even 5th.

Today we opened a bottle of Champagne, something which is usually reserved for a day having a gun. One has to remain flexible.

Post by Harry Heijst | August 8, 2013 |


  1. Zet ‘m op! Laatste dag, heel spannend. Podiumplaats moet lukken. Groet v Marjolein

    by Marjolein | 09 Aug 2013 | 09:36
  2. Now we’re talking!Well done!

    Good luck the last day!


    by Mieke | 09 Aug 2013 | 09:49
  3. Hi to the skipper and his crew.lovely photo all looking great.we wish you to open more champagne bottles after The upcoming race next Sunday.Good Luck.your friends Malta.

    by mariana | 09 Aug 2013 | 10:24
  4. It is never as fast as the fast -week. Ton

    by Ton | 09 Aug 2013 | 15:42