The end Winsome’s hibernation 2013/14 at Berthon Boat Company

April 24, 2014

The list of jobs to do this winter was endless. Amongst them the complete overhaul of the mast (after some 30.000 Nm at sea) and the toe rail renovation.

photo 1


Last weekend we i.e. Floris, Joost and myself, could do not much more than check the complete sail inventory, check The Hok in East Cowes Marina, use Luna for a test ride to and from Lymington, bring Winsome’s Cottage in order such as collection wood for the fireplace and meet all the people we know on the Island.

photo 3

The rudder is now looking fine and we hope that will still be case once she is in the water, encountering some other forces of nature.



Yesterday 22nd of April Winsome was launched so now Berthon is in another race against to clock to deliver her to us on Friday 26th of April.


Virtually whilst I was typing this message and whilst Aline placed the photographs, the mast was stepped. That was yesterday 23rd of April.

winsome april 2014_007

I will keep you posted, on a regular basis as from today.


Post by Harry Heijst | April 24, 2014 |