Final preparation for transportation to Malta

September 10, 2014

Right after we arrived on Monday morning from Cherbourg, we started to get WINSOME in transport mode.

Leen was not happy that we started only at 10am, after our arrival at 2am. Why he never sleeps, we do not know and he keeps his cards close to his chest. We may never know his secret.

For that reason he started like a devil and four hours later we had progressed already very much.


Leen left Monday afternoon, but will return Thursday evening.

Floris and myself continued the process. Look at the impressive list of inventory on board, jobs to be done, charts for Malta and Sicily, gas bottles, grab bag, batteries, guys and sheets, safety slings, reserve anodes etc. You name it.



On Tuesday we picked up our overall Trophy for the RORC Channel Race in St James’s Place London. I also bought black Crocket & Jones shoes in Jermyn Street, one of my favorite streets in London. Heavy duties as you will understand.

Every time we passed DAWN HUNTER we were saluted with militar honors by our new friend Richard. Last week Richard and Kristine invited Leen and myself for a Gin and Tonic. We slept very well that night, more I cannot say about it. Thank you Richard and Kristine!


On the above photo Christine was substituted by John Hodgson, who helps DAWN HUNTER not to collide with other boats on the Medina and Solent in the first place.

Today we have continued with Wroath to have our six 100 Ah batteries replaced, have a booster installed , have the autopilot checked etc etc.

Tomorrow at 0455 UTC we will visit the Varvasi wreck since at that time will have a very low tide at a very high coefficient of 115. Thereafter we will rush back -by LUNA of course- to have a look at the Cricket match on the Bramble at around 0555 UTC. My mother would say in such case “oh are that your type of problems”. She is right of course.

On Friday morning we may be loaded on Sevenstar’s BBC GREENLAND. That vessel will then call Gibraltar, Palma de Mallorca and Genoa before she will make a call at Malta to put WINSOME there in the water. Of course I have full confidence. After all Malta is much closer than Brisbane where WINSOME was transported in 2008.

Will be continued.

Post by Harry Heijst | September 10, 2014 |

1 Comment

  1. Harry Dear Heart
    Kristine and I have visited your Winsome site and have seen your comments on our Gin & Tonic moment with Leen and yourself, we too slept very well that night !!
    We also like Jermyn Street and if you get the chance, we do not hesitate to recommend WiltonsRestaurant,Table 5 is really cosy for two.
    Until we meet again hopefully soon with kindest regards Kristine & Richard

    by Kristine Mann | 11 Sep 2014 | 17:30