Atlantic crossing Dublin-Reykjavik 19 November

November 20, 2014

The tracker has worked all the way, so I trust you have not taken away your eyes from the webpage tracker for more than 30 minutes, at the most?

Our flight was as smooth as one could only wish. With good assistance again from the ground staff at Weston Airport at Dublin, we took off with one stowaway on board. Now she is not anymore o/b I can disclose her name: Nollid Arual.

Breda (her mother) had nearly a nervous break down, when she realized her darling daughter would board this tiny mosquito with only one engine and only one propellor. The fact this mosquito had two wings and two pilots must not have impressed her at all. So she left the airport with the pretext the gardener waited for her. Well we were sure the gardener would have commenced without her being present. After all we had visited her house and observed that the garden did not have one foot of fence anywhere. We wanted to remain polite and we pretended to believe her story. Nice try Breda, but you are dealing with two old foxes (..). [Urs I do realize I may have gone too far by calling you old, but you may forgive me one day].

trip central america 3_01
Laura joined us as a new crew member

Then I swapped seats with Breda’s darling daughter to let her have the cockpit’ experience, giving myself room to write the previous blog.

As said it all went smooth.

trip central america 3_03
over Iceland

The approach and landing in Reykjavik were as easy as it could be, in spite of late instructions by Air Traffic Control [ATC] giving us Headings.

trip central america 3_04
descending towards Reykjavik

trip central america 3_05
short before landing at Reykjavik

trip central america 3_06
stabilized final ILS approach to RWY 19 at BIRK (Reykjavik)

Here the usual warm welcome. Not as warm as in Ireland but warm enough. We took fuel, instructed Laura how to prepare Pilatypus for the night and we walked a long distance of more than 80 meters to the hotel, called NATURA The hotel was modern and in order. Urs is here a regular customer and was here two weeks ago on his way to Denver CO with a brand new PC-12.

trip central america 3_07
Laura and Harry are preparing PILATYPUS for the night stop

trip central america 3_08
Reykjavik Airport – Flight Services

End of an easy flight.

Will be back to the blog tomorrow, after our flights to Sondre Strøm, Greenland) and Goose Bay, Labrador, Canada.

Post by Harry Heijst | November 20, 2014 |

1 Comment

  1. good look

    by fabio | 24 Nov 2014 | 11:58