Leg #17 Antigua-San Juan, Puerto Rico

December 9, 2014

Before our flight started we finished our visit to Antigua with a dinner at Falmouth Harbour. There were only enormous sailing boats, the largest having a mast of 54 meters. After we thought we had seen the Maxi-maxi super motor boats, we now were confronted with Multi-maxi sailing boats. Both are not my worlds and I am not jealous at any of the owners.

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Dinner at Italian Restaurant Combusa, Falmouth Harbour, Saint John’s, Antigua

Our second moments at Antigua and we were gone again. We liked the hotel and Valentina, but I had no regrets to leave at least 1 Trillion mosquitos on the Island.

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Breakfast at Harmony Hall Boutique Hotel, Antigua

The flight was like most of the other flights. Is is hard to write every day an exciting story of our flight. As Urs said today, the flights are indeed supposed to look alike.

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inflight from Saint John’s, Antigua towards San Juan Puerto Rico

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descending towards San Juan, Puerto Rico, Luis Munoz Marin International Airport TJSJ

After we arrived and were directed to the custom area at San Juan, we realized we did arrive in a USA State though it is not even connected to any of the USA states.

We encountered enough problems to keep us busy for two hours. I am now too tired to explain it in detail.

Puerto Rico looks like Miami, Florida. It is completely different from any of the other islands we did visit so far. Tomorrow I will write about the nicer part of Puerto Rico.

Hasta pronto

Post by Harry Heijst | December 9, 2014 |


  1. Puerto Rico is a sad example of how the U.S. and mass tourism can wreck a Caribbean island!

    by Andrew McI | 09 Dec 2014 | 10:23

    by john martin | 10 Dec 2014 | 09:57
  3. Keep up the good spirit!!
    Doing the same trip on an iron horse you will not have any of the look alike “flights” as Urs commented.
    Every leg a different leg… try it out! te land ter zee en in de lucht….Let “te land” be your next challenge, your next real adventure.
    Hasta pronto, m

    by michiel | 11 Dec 2014 | 12:06