Leg #21 Grand Cayman to Newport News, Virginia

December 14, 2014

We left Grand Cayman in time.

During the taxiing to the runway we passed the Swiss Falcon, of which we met the pilots of Cat Aviation the day before. They must still have been sleeping at the early hour we left (..). [Markus this would never have happened to you isn’t it?]

trip central america 23_01
Falcon 7X HB-JOB

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bad weather when leaving Grand Cayman

Then the moment came, getting closer to Cuba, when we expected nervous calls from ATC regarding our over-flying of Cuba, such as asking for our over-flight-permission, the number of passengers on board, the reason of our flight etc but nothing like that happened. The Cuban Controllers talked reasonable English, though peppered with Spanish, and had no questions at all.

trip central america 23_03
coming overhead CUBA direction URSUS – ….. or was it SAINT URSUS ???

trip central america 23_04
coming overhead CUBA from the South

At Newport News it was not only Dave Wightman who awaited us, but also the USA Customs. Many questions and a quick check inside the a/c was the maximum attention we got. After all our DECAL was properly fixed in the right place (contrary to our arrival at Puerto Rico)

trip central america 23_08
Newport News, Virgina: Dave was waiting for us

trip central america 23_09
PH-PNG – decall no 4559666

Since it was a five hours flight, one of the longest on this trip sofar, we felt quite tired. Therefore being driven by a good friend in his VOLVO limousine (reminding ME to look at the latest positions right away) was a good moment. Once at his home we had a warm welcome by Irene and Laurie. I come to their house practically every year with Hans Bok when they have their Spring-Fling in March, and felt home right away.

My usual opa-nap and we started with cheese and beer. When I went to bed, BRUNEL and DONG-FENG were racing neck to neck (within one Nm) in the Volvo Ocean Race and I fell asleep without knowing the result. Next morning I learned that BRUNEL became the winner leading by 14 minutes.

Tomorrow will be another, though non flying day.

Post by Harry Heijst | December 14, 2014 |