Last leg #26 from Reykjavik to the luxurious stables of Pilatypus: Kempen Airport in Budel on 18 December 2014

December 19, 2014

At 0600 we could hear and see the snow being removed from the run- and taxi ways. At least ten trucks were doing that job. How lucky we had been having the a/c inside the hangar. If not we would have found an aluminium snow ball on the tarmac.

At 0800 we were at the FBO to settle our bills, receive the FPL and our coffee can. It all went quick and professionally. With professional pilots working in the FBO Flight Services, one has no surprises nor misunderstandings.

On our special request they kept the a/c in the hangar until we came so we could the entire preparation inside the hangar.

The run- and taxi ways were indeed very wel cleaned, so only somewhat slippery.

We took off in dark clouds and lost visibility already at 600′ height. Above 10.000′ we regained visibility and even had a decent view of sunrise.

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Take off at Reykjavik: snow and wind

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over Iceland

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sunrise over the Atlantic

Until one hour from our destination we retained visibility but we lost it completely over the North Sea.

We encountered strong wind and low ceilings towards Budel, but our friend RNAV had no problems with his calculations at all!

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and finally at the home base: EHBD

After a random check at the a/c by three Custom Officers plus a money-dog, a nice labrador called Hogan. The only small problem was the box with some second hand pottery Veronique bought at a market in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Three hours later we arrived at my home in Amsterdam, driven by Boris Beckering.

We toasted on this succesful trip and on our intention to make another one in 2015.

Two observations
1. Our Hobbs meter showed in Reykjavik exactly 900.0 hours
2. Our flight hours on this one-month trip were close to 80

trip central america 29_07
salute for the next adventure

Post by Harry Heijst | December 19, 2014 |


  1. Well done completing another amazing adventure. Thank you for sharing it with us. Greetings from Grenada (last boat in RORC race finished early hours today). Happy Christmas


    by Andrew McI | 19 Dec 2014 | 16:12
  2. Well done indeed.
    Welcome back home to the three of you.
    Incredible–for many reasons–adventure.
    Merry Christmas
    Happy New Year with many air and sea miles! m

    by michiel | 21 Dec 2014 | 12:31