The 2015 pioneers did good work this weekend in Cowes

March 23, 2015

Joost and Floris drove with Boj’s VW GTI-V6 to Cowes to make the very first preparations for this season. They carried at the same time our life raft and other stuff to De Hok and to Winsome’s Cottage. Cottage is still in scaffolding on both sides and this work i.e. the leakage of the roofs may still continue for one week, according to Chief John Martin.

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Inside the Cottage things are starting to look cosy already.

No photo’s are available for release of the other adventures they had during their stay in Cowes.

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Leen’s fireplace

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Trophies 1999-2014


Winsome’s calendar in SLAM’s shop

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Shopping by VW GTI-V6

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Ordnung muss sein.

I repeat that Sunday 29th of March from 16:00 is Winsome’s Crew Party. Crew, shore crew and those who are keen to follow Winsome are welcome.


Post by Harry Heijst | March 23, 2015 |