Cold delivery of WINSOME at Berthon Boat Yard Lymington

March 24, 2016

Today, 24th of March, we (Leen, Herman and myself) took the final delivery of WINSOME. The boat is looking fine and we could not find anything which was not done.

We took LUNA to transport ourselves from Cowes to Lymington. Leen found a nice course close to the Island coast giving us some kind of protection from the 17 knots true wind speed.


With Robin I went through the items listed in the invoice.

Once Leen and I departed with WINSOME soon to avoid the strongest ebbing of the Solent, Joost Nijhoff arrived from Southampton and joined Herman to return by LUNA to Cowes. They kindly delivered some sandwiches and water to WINSOME.

I had to check if our new speed transducer would still indicate the water temperature. Well it did it: 8,3 degrees Celcius on the Solent.

Joost Heikens arrived in the afternoon so we are now still awaiting the arrivals of John Coffey, Laura, Boj and Floris.

Tomorrow our first race(s) of the 2016 RORC Easter Challenge. Unfortunately we may expect some (cold) rain, but ‘we are not made of chocolat’ as we say in Holland.

Will be continued

Post by Harry Heijst | March 24, 2016 |