Second day in the Easter Challenge Races

March 27, 2016

Another win today was great, but let me refer you to the webpage of RORC. In their news today they have given a good coverage of today’s events, so why repeat something was has been written well already. Even Goethe borrowed some writing from Shakespeare, saying it was perfect and he could not have done it any better.

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RORC’s webpage is

The entire crew is happy and eager to start the last day of racing. This in spite if a shortage of one hour as a result of the time change tonight. Strange because it really feels like mid winter here.

Winsome is taking a good rest at the RYS haven, close to MASQUERADE of Roger Motson, who was today at sun set so kind to avoid some procedural embarassement for me (..).


Post by Harry Heijst | March 27, 2016 |


  1. Nice start it will scare the competition ????

    by Tiburon | 27 Mar 2016 | 13:54
  2. Wow,great!


    by Mieke | 27 Mar 2016 | 18:34