
August 8, 2016

We were all under some pressure after Saturday.

Not having chosen the best place on the startline, other boats reached the mainland shore earlier than we. Then we had to make some 20 tacks along the coastal to stay out of the strong tide to the East. We did ‘eat’ many boats ahead of us, so we were probably in 5th position when going downwind to East Lepe.

Then we had a second run along the mainland coast though the tide was already less string. Our last tack to the next mark was not ideal. We are still hampered by not having been able to buy a compass  heel sensor.

After a downwind run along the Island coast we had the third gun of our class i.e. we arrived 3rd on the water. This was translated into a 5th place as per IRC rating.

A better day but Monday we need to improve still


Our Track (small part missing)

Screen Shot 2016-08-08 at 19.55.35

Post by Harry Heijst | August 8, 2016 |


  1. Monday!

    Great job crew! Well done!


    by Mieke | 08 Aug 2016 | 17:13
  2. Its brilliant 🙂

    by Skypermits Flight Support | 17 Aug 2016 | 01:44