Getting closer to our participation in the Rolex Middle Sea Race 2016

September 13, 2016

The last days have been very rewarding for Leen and myself. We have prepared Winsome for the seatrip on mv Erasmusgracht.


Medina Yard/Graig Nutter must have launched Winsome minutes prior to our arrival.

Gavin Tappenden did all we requested on the hull, underwater incl keel and rudder, whilst Geoffrey Wroath did all electricity jobs incl VHF, compass lights and separation trafo. Still he will work today on the ignition of the cooking plate and oven.

Lallows, Lawrence Boarer and Andrew worked on the freshwater pump and on the correct position of the auto bilge pump. We are not sure that the replacement of the fresh water pump was a succes. Tests showed different results. However the last test with Andrew this morning was positive.

Under ‘my strict directions’ Leen fixed the boom, the two spinaker booms and main sail in the boat.

imageThereafter he prepared the softwood blocks incl the tappisterie as suggested by Sophie (Hurst) for the lashings on board of mv Erasmusgracht. It are the same blocks used in 2014 but the tappisterie is new.


Meantime mv Erasmusgracht continues steaming towards Southampton, though bunkering in Skagen has delayed her arrival by a full day. It was a combination of deviation by not using the Kieler Canal and having to wait 10 hours for a bunker barge. I have left Cowes now. Leen and Mac will bring Winsome alogside mv Erasmusgracht to be lifted Thursday morning at 0900 lt.



Post by Harry Heijst | September 13, 2016 |

1 Comment

  1. The preparation is impressive!

    by Jan Maarten | 17 Sep 2016 | 09:41