Third step to the Rolex Middle Sea Race 2016

October 16, 2016

Step three was the preparation of Winsome for the Race and for the safety inspection of the RMYC.

Our preparations were completed this morning, except for the purchase of 6 AA-batteries and 16 liters of MDO.

Then Foggy Dew arrived in the morning and berthed on a place close to us, also being reserved by us for her.

At noon we had the inspection. Floris did the job and the boat passed with flying colours.


Now we are free to swim and prepare for our dinner with Foggy Dew’s crew.

Post by Harry Heijst | October 16, 2016 |

1 Comment

  1. Ziet er allemaal leuk uit. Beetje aktie, fietsen zwemmen etc . Straks moeten jullie er tegen aan . Coachen is een beetje moeilijk op dit moment. Veel plezier Ton

    by Ton en Roos | 17 Oct 2016 | 16:25