RORC Channel Race

July 25, 2017

This would be our last off shore Race prior to Lendy Cowes Week 2017.

The race was announced as a race over 185Nm, probably meant to enable some boats still to qualify for the Rolex Fastnet Race.

Again this would be a ladies’ race, according to Patrick.

We sailed this race with a new kid on the bloc Caroline Heerema, introduced to us by Dries van der Laan, and it was nice to sail with her.

We made a good start this time and were only 3 boat lengths below the start line at the gun, and we had a good run down the Solent including a fore sail change from G3 to G2. Since this was expected G1 was hoisted in the correct grove of the Tuf-luf and went all smooth prior to passing Hurst Castle.

We had to make a run of 50Nm to a virtual box in the wind. On this run the leech of our G2 broke so we had to sail either with G1 with too much wind (max I observed was 27 knots TWS) or with too little wind with G3. We must have lost considerable time on this leg.

It took a lot of work to get Box (0,2Nm long and 0,2Nm wide) into our electronic map and personally I do not believe that this type of puzzles belongs into off-shore races.

‘Each boat may be required to provide on request evidence of having an electronic position fix within Box’. I did my best.

Approach to Box

Electronic position entering Box

After we left Box we set our S3 in 22 knots. That run would be some 70Nm.

Good weather, a choppy sea, a bit cold. The next morning the sun who had been in hiding on Saturday appeared for the first time in this race.

Because we had no AIS we felt a little bit uncomfortable A. not knowing where the cargo ships were and B. handicapped not knowing where are competitors were. Only at the end of the race I could use Marine Traffic and see where our competitors were. Night and Day, Foggy Dew were out of reach. With Alacrity we passed in the last miles but not on handicap, whilst Longue Pierre, Xara were far behind us on the water, but not on handicap. A somewhat disappointing score 6/29 considering our target was 2/29.

Though we did not win, we could very well observe her much improved moving through the water. Definitely less hobby horsing. Important for the future.

Just after finishing the sky bursted out with water. Floris and Leen had to hurry get to the RedJet to drive Piet Vroon to Breskens (their arrival home was at 5am). Jasper and Luuk catched the same RedJet to get on the 6pm FlyMeBe. Caroline took a train to London. Ed and Lennard stayed until Monday. Wout arrived from Belgium.

We made 193Nm over the ground, just 7Nm short to qualify for a men’s race, Patrick or will you have mercy with us?

So now Winsome is at Berthon’s for her last preparations and a thorough keel check.

Post by Harry Heijst | July 25, 2017 |