Breaking news

October 15, 2017

Joost Nijhoff graduated last Thursday to Master of Science in Delft. Though he tried to keep the building where it took place (number 31) hidden by giving out only the street number (Jaffastraat 5), Floris and myself managed to be present.

He got good points, but missed graduation ‘cum laude’ by a split hair. This was certainly a disappointment for now Ir Joost Nijhoff, or if you wish Joost Nijhoff, Master of Science, but I believe that the entire Winsome crew will be happy not having to guess again which year could possibly be the eternal ‘next year’ i.e. the year in which he would graduate.

Congratulations Ir Joost Nijhoff 

We wish you good sailing on Winsome in 2018. You may start making calculations for the new shape and weight of Winsome’s keel.

Being at the Technical University of Delft we could have a look at the world famous nautical basin (sleeptank). At the right side you can see Joost’s father also called Ir Nijhoff. (What’s in a name – Shakespeare)

In a corridor I came across a model of Big Lift’s HAPPY STAR. This must have been present given by (again Ir) Arne Hubregtse.



Post by Harry Heijst | October 15, 2017 |