31 October. 7th leg OMDW-OIII (Tehran) 764 Nm

November 1, 2017

After a long process at the FBO [Fixed Base Operator] resp. Agent (payment of an immense bill) and on the Parking Place (Push-back operation), we finally were ready for a take off. The temperature was high and we had to be very carefull not to exceed 780 ITT [Intern Turbine Temperature in degrees Celcius]. The runway length was 4Km so that helped as well.

We got off and were in our way to Tehran. Again nothing to be seen except sand and mountains.

Ryanne’s Dubai Airport

over Iran – direction Teheran

Teheran OIII short final ILS RWY 29L

The flight took us nearly 4 hours. We had some exciting moments when ATC started to ask us every half hour how many POB [Persons On Board]. We replied each time 3. Then next time asked us if we had a VIP on board. Urs replied yes. After all we had 3 VIPs on board. Then it became quiet. We landed in cool temperature; Teheran is at an altitude of more than 1.000 metres.

We got no permission to fuel the a/c right away so we will that now prior to our departure for Zehadan.

As a result of two communication mistake: one UTC [Universal Time Coordinated] instead of LT [Local Time] and one for our actual ETA [Estimated Time of Arrival] Peiman Daftari -a family friend who would pick us up- waited 7 hours for us at the airport.

Espinas Palace Hotel was perfect. Sophie did wear her veil all the time.

looking down to Teheran City from our Hotel

In my next blog I will write about our welcome by the Ferhangmehr family and about our free day in Tehran.

Post by Harry Heijst | November 1, 2017 |

1 Comment

  1. Dear Harry and Sophie
    I love hearing about your trip like this. It is just great. Kisses from SFO airport .. Sophie

    by Saby | 01 Nov 2017 | 20:49