2 November. 8th leg OIII-OIZH (Zahedan) 681 Nm

November 4, 2017

Peiman was punctually at the hotel to pick us up and bring us to the airport. He had calcuated with 1:30 hours but it took us only 0:15 in absence of traffic on their weekend.

Then we started a long process of customs, three screens of our luggage, four passport checks etc etc. Our flight plan was allegedly not in order, whilst Urs’ freshly -in the big bazar of Tehran- acquired hair-trimming-device stayed with the customs. I must say that the custom officer had a similar hair dress as Urs i.e. not too long, not too thick, not too much, a bit sexy. Well the custom officer may never read this blog, but we wish him a lot of success with his new toy.

So we left about four hours after our arrival at the Mehrabad Airport Tehran.

approaching Zahedan via DME arc for ILS 35

descending towards Zahedan

Over our flght nothing particular can be told, except that both pilots realized very well coming already close to Afghanistan and to Pakistan. Significantly different from getting close to France or Swiss (..).

During fueling we were invited by Alireza Dolati to have a sight seeing of Zahedan. We agreed 6pm, he came at 7pm, Sophie did not dare to enter the new gigantic mosk, in spite of the permission Alireza obtained from the Guards and in spite of Sophie’s veil. The museum was closed by that time.

Alireza proposed to pick up his wife Tahereh and invited us for dinner. At that moment in the day-night we were more dead alive. Nevertheless we had a pleasant dinner but we had strongly to resist their next invitation and that was to drink tea in their house.

Next day looked to be a difficult one. At that moment we knew already how the end of the left side of rwy [runway] was looking.

Post by Harry Heijst | November 4, 2017 |

1 Comment

  1. Mooie reis Harry. Hartelijke groeten aan Sophie en onze bouwsupervisors in Goa 😉

    by Erik Baar | 04 Nov 2017 | 23:00